
Curriculum vitae
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  • Ph.D. (Molluscs taxonomy and ecology, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain 1996). Mention level: cum laude.

  • B.Sc. (Biology/Zoology, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 1990).

Pilgrimage through science

Since I completed my Ph.D. at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) in 1996, I have been working on patterns of distribution of molluscs and processes causing these patterns. This research has been focused on mollusc living in shallow waters and intertidal areas. Since then I have been doing a little bit of travelling... 

First, I was working in a Cooperative Programme in Mexico from 1997 to 1999. Then I moved to Australia where I worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Research on Ecological Impacts of Coastal Cities, University of Sydney, from 1999 to 2001 (www.eicc.bio.usyd.edu.au). Whilst at the Centre, I studied the ecology of microgastropods, especially their spatial distribution and the factors limiting their patterns of distribution. My work focussed on the life stories of small molluscs, including feeding, coexistence with other species and longevity. This basic biological information is essential to understanding their patterns of abundance from place to place and time to time and the potential effects that disturbances may have on these animals.

In 2001, I gained a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship from the European Union to work in Southampton Oceanography Centre (www.noc.ac.uk). My work there focussed on the study of biological diversity of deep-sea molluscs on the European Atlantic Margin. The specific objectives were:

a) Determining the abundance of the “keystone” mollusc species from the continental slope of Porcupine Seabight using acoustically monitored epibenthic sledge samples.

b) Studying the biodiversity of molluscs in the European Atlantic continental slope, identifying material to species level and applying standard diversity measures.

c) Determining spatial changes of mollusc species, particularly in relation to depth, and relate the bathymetric distributions to the environmental parameters and the distribution of potential predators. The objective was to elucidate the dominant factors controlling distribution of molluscs on the continental slope.

d) Describing biology (reproduction, population structure etc.) of the main keystone species.

My current research at the University of Vigo focuses on the study of the processes responsible for spatio-temporal patterns of distribution of species on sandy beaches. Moreover, I am working on the effects of an invasive seaweed species Sargassum muticum on the biodiversity of local communities at different habitats.

Most relevant courses

  • Molecular Taxonomy Workshop (2002) – James Watt Centre, Edimburgh (UK).

  • Personal Survival techniques (2002) – Safety at Sea, Warsash Maritime Centre (UK)

  • Design and analysis of biological experiments (2000) – Centre for Research in Ecological Impact    of Coastal Cities, University of Sydney (Australia).

  • Environmental Impact Assessment of coastal ecosystems (1996). University of Cantabria (Spain).

  • Structural Ecology of marine communities (1994) – University of La Habana (Cuba).

  • Salinity and pollution by residual waters (1990) – University Menendez Pelayo (Spain).

  • Integrated management of Aquatic Ecosystems (1990) – Basque Country Government (Spain).

  • Diving certificate (second class) (1989) – Spain.




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